You can design a logo with free automated software. If you have little or no budget to promote your business then this is the way to go.
Why then spend money at all on a logo? There are those who believe that in life you get what you pay for.
Ideally a logo must look good in all formats. As your business grows you will promote it in multiple formats including billboards and posters, as well as letterheads, website headers and business cards. I will now use tailoring as an analogy:
If you want to buy a suit then your budget conscious option is to buy a ready-made, off the peg suit. Hopefully it will fit you well. If it does not you can always alter the waist, sleeves, or whatever is necessary. Why then do bespoke, and made-to-measure suits exist, and thrive as an industry?
Bespoke and made-to-measure clothes are significantly more expensive. Why do successful people engage these services? A pertinent consideration may be – do you wish for your business to succeed, grow, and make you prosperous?
Free logos are created using pre designed templates. It is rare that one size fits all. You enter your details into a template with the knowledge that there are probably millions of identical logos out there. Apart from that the logo may look fine on a poster or flyer but be indistinct on the header of your website. Like a good off-the-rails suit your free logo can look good, and be completely acceptable. That is the most that you can expect.

Above are a dozen examples of free, ready made templates. You simply replace the text with your own details and you are good to go!
If you want to stand out from the crowd then you will have to purchase designer, or made to measure at the very least. There are companies that from £20 upwards can offer you templates with more variety of choice than the free services.
Finally there is bespoke. Your logo is designed from scratch. No pre designed templates. Software like Adobe Illustrator is deployed. The starting point are shapes like triangles, rectangles and freeform shapes. The resulting artwork creates a vector image. Vector images look great in ANY format – whether online on printed. Most importantly they look great in any size – whether small icon or huge billboard!

Be aware that very few logo templates are actually free, despite what they advertise. Most, like WIX, and the inappropriately named allow you to use up your time creating a nice looking template on their website for free. That’s it. You then have to pay to download and use it.

We are happy to give you a consultation, and advice about our very competitive rates and services for free. Just email us.