
How important is a logo? 

Many businesses have no logo at all. Of those who do, many entrepreneurs create a straightforward logo for little or no financial outlay. 

Nonetheless large businesses DO have logos, and spend time, as well as significant sums of money on their creation. 

Below are three logos for your consideration:

Red & White were the London based design studio who launched the new BT logo in 2019 with a brief “to create a more modern and useful identity”. BT considered their image to be an old fashioned communications organization. They wanted to replace it with that of a forward looking tech outfit….

All the above logos are instantly identifiable. This is the purpose of a logo. It is a picture that people ( your {potential/future} clients or customers ), associate with your brand IMMEDIATELY. Essentially this is a pre-requisite to establishing Brand Loyalty.  


Once you have Brand Loyalty, you have arrived. You are home and dry, you have passed Go and will collect £200. For the time being, at least. You will have to take steps to maintain it obviously. 

As the author of this article I fully admit to being a life long supporter of Chelsea Football Club. I also regularly use phones and tablets from Samsung and Apple. I will support Chelsea, Apple and Samsung ( I also have a fantastic Samsung TV ), whenever the need arises, for instance in a conversation in a pub , bar or restaurant.

I will argue as to why Manchester United Football Club are failing, and why Chelsea are better. A Manchester United fan may hotly debate and dispute this.  Similarly I could defend Apple and Samsung phones against those who advocate the benefits of using Huawei and Xiaomi mobiles. The very important point is that none of us are being paid paid by the football clubs or the phone manufacturers to defend them.  These are examples of knock on effects of  Brand Loyalty.